Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Today we say good bye to a good buddy, Raph. He left a couple hours ago on a plane heading back to his home land of Brazil. He's planning on moving back for good, but that doesn't mean we won't see him or his crazy antics again. Here are a couple photo's from his "Farewell to Greece" party a few months ago.

You'll be missed bro.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Destroy Me, This Way

I need to stop listening to Ladytron, LCD soundsystem, The Knife, CSS and every damn Electropop band I have on my ipod right away. Honestly, my life will turn into a Pepsi commercial where I dance down streets instead of walking and I think I can speak for everyone when I say, we don't want that to happen.

I woke up today in short shorts, with a red flowered shirt on and a black wig at my feet. Surprisingly, I had a little of my dignity still in tact and everything I came with still in my pockets.

Pictures are coming. So is the end.

Currently Listening To: Ladytron - Destroy Everything You Touch

Friday, October 27, 2006

Drama's Birthday

Yesterday it was Drama's Birthday. I tried to post something, but blogger was being bitchy and slow, and I was impatient. It's a day late, but I don't care.

(note: That picture is about a year old and those aren't his fingers)

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

It Is Now And It Is Never

Sitting in a dark room shrouded in smoke and the endless conversations of friends who haven't seen each other in months, I could barely keep my eyes open.

Sitting in a dark room alone at 3 am shrouded in silence, I couldn't even begin to fall asleep. It's as if I didn't even blink.

So currently I've been up for, maybe, 35 hours or so. I'm listening to Destroyer's Rubies right now and feeling somewhat poetic. Perfectly calm and at ease with the world and my place in it. I'm going to sleep like a baby tonight.

Tomorrow, I'm going to wake up and try to call a friend again.

Tomorrow, I'm going to go back to caring.

Currently listening to: Destroyer - Painter In Your Pocket

Monday, October 23, 2006

The Week

Two weeks ago me and my life mate took off on an adventure of modestly epic proportions. We left Friday evening and then returned the following Wednesday. From Vancouver to Whistler and Pemberton for a Thanksgiving to remember and then down to Seattle for lunches, dinners, shopping, a tattoo and a concert. These pictures are admittedly overdue, but here they are in all there scattered glory.

I'll call you tomorrow.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Random Mail

Subject: Where's Geoff?

Don't dissapear because I'm a maniac, brutha.... -O

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I Am More Me

I've been rocking out the Peter Bjorn and John album, "Writers Block" for the better part of a week now, and it's definetly not getting any less amazing.

The point of this? Well, I haven't been posting on here with any regularity for a while now. I sort of chalked it up to the amount of traveling around, working and life living I've been doing. The truth is that when I would come on here to post, my writing would spiral into meloncholy and writing I said I wouldn't post on here.

The opening song from the above mentioned album has a verse that has been repeating in my head since the first time I heard it and sort of put a lot of things in perspective. Happy, sad or unrecognizable, my posting is going to increase.

"And the question is/
Was I more alive then than I am now.

I happily have to disagree/
I laugh more often now/
I cry more often now/
I am more me."

Monday, October 16, 2006

On A Neck, On A Spit

Of the past 13 nights, I've spent 2 in the comfort of my own bed.

Of the past 13 nights, I've comfortably spent 2 with my dignity still in tact.

You see, to sit here and write out a detailed description of what it is I've been doing and where it is I've gone would be pointless. There are feelings and experiences that I've been through in the past two weeks that I just can't express in written form.

Come up to me and give me a hug or slap me in the face. I'll probably kiss you or ignore you and walk in the other direction. That's the ambiguity of it all. I've been through a myriad of experiences and don't know how to describe any of them. I've had an amazing time and probably wouldn't change any of it for the world.

I'm happy.

Move on.


Friday, October 06, 2006

Peace Out

Sporadic posting will now stop... and I will now dive into a complete lack of posting all together. Well, for at least another 5-6 days. I'm off on a sexy-sexy adventure.

Whistler--->Pemberton---> Seattle

Normally I would say "I'll miss you," but we both know that isn't true.
