R.I.P. Anna
July 1, 2002 - June 30, 2006
I loved Anna. I loved her with all my heart. We've gone everywhere and done everything together. We've held hands, run through fields of daisies and gone on walks through forests filled with dead babies, beef jerky and lumberjacks. I've slept inside of her and she's slept beside me. She was black, but I loved her anyways.
Today, Anna left me. She's gone, hopefully, to a better place. I don't know what to say. I'm choked up right now and, well, I'm not that good at yougoogilies. I better stop before I cry.
I'm trying to look sad here (because a certain somebody suggested it), but apparently that is impossible. I found out today I was born without that gene or the basic ability to feel what you humans call sadness. When I mentioned above that I was choked up or that I might cry, that simply meant that I was filling up with rage and mormons were in danger.
I loved Anna. I loved her with all my heart. We've gone everywhere and done everything together. We've held hands, run through fields of daisies and gone on walks through forests filled with dead babies, beef jerky and lumberjacks. I've slept inside of her and she's slept beside me. She was black, but I loved her anyways.
Today, Anna left me. She's gone, hopefully, to a better place. I don't know what to say. I'm choked up right now and, well, I'm not that good at yougoogilies. I better stop before I cry.

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