Monday, June 27, 2005


So as I sit here in front of the computer writing random articles and tirelessly musing about the stupidity of man and the brilliance of me, I started thinking of people that I have really lost touch with the past weeks, months and years. Friends, ex's, crushes, co-workers, people I may have had one good conversation with, etc.

It's weird to think about the sheer volume of people that come and go through your life, from birth to death. I couldn't even begin to guess the amount of people that I have met over the years, even if I had to ballpark it, it would be probably in the tens of thousands. For three years I met probably about at least 30 brand new people a day working at Fitness World. Do I remember or see any of them, no, not really. However, there are always those people that come into your life and leave a footprint, a stamp, a mark of some sort that stays with you for the rest of your life. Whether the footprints are good or bad, they leave a mark that ultimately makes you... you.

From the guys who spent 13 years beside me, bleeding and sweating on a sheet of ice, to the people that you could just sit with and talk for hours about any and everything over a cup of tea or a glass of beer. From the kids I rode bikes with around my block when I wasn't old enough to see a PG 13 movie on my own, to the guys I'd sit with in the cafeteria in high school.

Here's to everyone. From the friends I've met and lost, to the ones I may meet and love.


Blogger Darcy said...

a rather belated cheers to that!

7:42 PM  

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